
Hello, dears. 🙂 I know, long time, no see … my real life has taken over me, fortunately/unfortunately. I also know you are wondering why on Earth am i writing in English – because this is a special post someone else will read, someone special who does not know Romanian accurately. Last but not least, i know it is late, but now i feel i have the inspiration to write this, so there i go.

Maybe you remember when i told you about Wesam, the Jordanian guy who impressed me a lot at the Train the Coordinators Conference for GROW, in summer, in Predeal. ( Here you have the article ) Well, once again this autumn i participated at this Conference, but on the Train the Trainers-Old Coordinators track, something like that. And i met Wesam again. He was quite sad, because he had to leave Romania in a few days.

As people have different cultures, they don’t express their feelings in the same way. I don’t know about Arabic guys, but my guess is that they don’t cry easily or don’t cry at all. Let me tell you that i had the chance to experience a dramatic change in Wesam’s behaviour. 🙂

On the last day of the Conference, when we were saying goodbye to each other, Wesam stood there in a corner and just couldn’t help crying. Arabic man crying – and he was like „But i have never cried in my life!”. 🙂

What i want to enhance here is that people can change attitudes, can learn to show what they feel. If you didn’t believe it until now, trust me, it happens. Wesam loves Romania and the GROW Project so much, that he cried so hard his eyes were all red. So you see, our country and people in it can also make a difference. AIESEC itself too. I honestly don’t know why we keep throwing rocks at hope, at positive minds, at whatever you want to call it. I saw Wesam with my own eyes and i can confess there is something worth living and feeling in this life. You just have to search for it and set it free out of your soul, in order for everyone to see that. 🙂

That’s all, folks … for today. I won’t promise anything about my comeback. It’s just a matter of time, we will see. Until then, be nice and dream big :*

P.S. I could get used to writing in English …. hmmm :))

0 comentarii

  1. om bun, tanar, evolutiv, spor in tot ce faci, simti, respiri, traiesti, actionezi, rasplata eforturilor fie-ti aproape! 🙂
    weekend „escelent”! :):):):):)

  2. I keep thinking that this AIESEC experience of yours is so awesome and life-changing 🙂
    Well, what do you know, foreigners can actually GROW fond of Romania 🙂
    „That’s all, folks” :)) Looney Tunes!

  3. pai da.acolo la el daca nu are ce manca?saracutu…nu stiu totusi cum poate gandi :)) asa subnutrit.. era suparat ca sa terminat meeting ul..iara merge in tara lui in care cad bombe.daca ii era rau?

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